
Българистика, Люблин, Полша

Албена Вачева, Петър Сотиров

The article is focused on the status of Bulgarian studies at the University “Maria Curie-Sklodowska” in the town of Lublin, Poland. In the course of the investigation have been taken some interviews – with professor Stefan Warhol, professor Petar Sotirov, associated professor Mariola Mostovska and Agata Mokshitska, PhD, on the base of which we have tried to reconstruct the past of the department and to describe the future perspectives. The study is composed of 3 parts. The first shows the period from the beginning of the Bulgarian studies at the University in 1962 to 1990. The second investigate the situation between 1990 and 2000. The third one observes nowadays challenges in front of the members of the department.

Списание “ЕЗИКОВ СВЯТ”, брой 8 / 2010

Албена ВАЧЕВА, Петър СОТИРОВ. БЪЛГАРИСТИКАТА В ЛЮБЛИН, ПОЛША. . . . . . .   . . . .18

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